Bi-weekly Writer’s Workshop

Online Online, CA, United States

Join Joe Lambert and Beth Jones for a two hour writing and sharing session on topics far and wide.


“AI” & Storytelling: Agency, Art, and Algorithms

Online Online, CA, United States

Join StoryCenter and Mark Corbett Wilson, Critical Digital Humanist and the Western Institute for Social Research’s Learning Experience Design\Technologian, for a survey of Machine Learning (LLMs, or, AI) and a discussion of how we might use machines to augment personal storytelling, research, and learning.


Bi-weekly Writer’s Workshop

Online Online, CA, United States

Join Joe Lambert and Beth Jones for a two hour writing and sharing session on topics far and wide.


Story Work and the Current Crisis

Online Online, CA, United States

Join StoryCenter founder Joe Lambert and special guests to discuss the ways in which story and story work are necessary parts of our response to the evolving policies of the current federal administration.


Bi-weekly Writer’s Workshop

Online Online, CA, United States

Join Joe Lambert and Beth Jones for a two hour writing and sharing session on topics far and wide.
